
Here is the list of our pamphlets, also known as the »Black Pamphlet« series (except for our very last one, the »Anarchist Football (Soccer) Manual«, which is not black). A lot of pamphlets you will be able to read online, of some we’ve included excerpts, some others are (for different reasons) missing. We hope to be able to make the collection more complete in the future. In the case of the short story collections, some individual stories are included (you can also find them all – with sparse commentary – under »Short Stories«). All texts we decided to put online were proofread and edited and might hence slightly differ from the printed versions. Some of the pamphlets are still distributed through AK Press, both in the US and the UK. We have included the relevant links.

AAP 001
Thoughts on Liberation. A Personal Anarchist Dictionary
Teoman Gee

"This is an excellent little annotated (a couple of paragraphs for each entry) dictionary - from art, animal rights, anti-fascism to war, work, xenophobia, youth - which attempts to provide an anarchist analysis on the way the world works, and ought to." (AK Press)

read excerpts here

AAP 002
The United Antifascist Liberation Front
Gabriel Kuhn

"A great 'fiction,' on the 'failed' United Anti-Fascist Liberation Front, that helped spark revolutions across the globe in the early part of the 21st century, told from the grizzled memories of one of it's Australian veterans." (AK Press)

read here

AAP 003
The Antifa Straight Edge. A Manifesto

We still consider this one of the most important pieces we've published. Literature on sXe and radical politics remains rare. This text has drawn pretty passionate reactions from Poland to Israel to New Zealand. Now finally online.

read here

AAP 004
Images of the Revolution. A Picture Book
Alpine Anarchist Productions Collective

This contains 34 images from flyers, zines, posters, etc., that we collected over the years. A nice little overview of revolutionary creativity, and a great way to remember our travels. Perhaps we manage to make some images available online one day.

AAP 005
The Militant Mystic. A Sketch
Anil Vem

Our first philosophical piece. A very succinct attempt at combining a skeptical/mystical understanding of the world with revolutionary politics. Followed by »Materialistic Pantheism« (AAP 011).

read here

AAP 006
Rhymes. A Love Story
Gabriel Kuhn

Voluntary homeless street poet falls in love and becomes overwhelmed. Our most widely distributed fiction piece.

read here

AAP 007
Militancy Beyond Black Blocs
Teoman Gee

Reflections on the black bloc renaissance following the Seattle anti-WTO protest in ’99. Takes in some European history, formulates a sympathetic critique of certain aspects of black bloc culture, and suggests a militant movement of diversity.

read here

AAP 008
Cotonou. A Crime Story
Gabriel Kuhn

Seasoned small time crook now operating in West Africa hooks up with young US hitchhiker on the way from Benin to Burkina Faso. Drama unfolds. – Unfortunately, this text has disappeared from all our files and only exists in print.

AAP 009
Moments. Travel Notes

This combines around 40 entries from travel note books – some a couple of sentences long, some little stories. Together, the entries create a patchwork of memories from many years of traveling.

read excerpts here

AAP 010
Antiindividualistic Individuality. A Concept
Teoman Gee

An attempt to overcome the individual/community-divide so characteristic for modern Western society through an anarchistic notion of individuality as a per se social and collective value. Unfortunately, this is a rather poor collective translation from German. Once we have a better version, we will put it online. Whenever that may be...

AAP 011
Materialistic Pantheism. Another Sketch
Anil Vem

The Follow-Up to »The Militant Mystic« (AAP 005).

read here

AAP 012
The Black Line. Drawings
Miss Arkiah

Prime example for AAP’s love of the very simple. Some drawings might be online some day.

AAP 013
The Battle of the Superheroes. A Comic Book Manipulation
The Alpine Anarchist Productions Arts Department

DC’s Justice League International and the Conglomerate turn, respectively, Marxist and anarchist superheroes/superheroines and battle it out. Unfortunately, beyond our means to put online at this point.

AAP 014
Sarah. A Story
Gabriel Kuhn

A sad and rather personal story. We hesitate to put this one online.

AAP 015
Looking for the Way. Stories

read "Bob"
read "At the Bar"
read "$54.38, or The Drugstore Story"
read "Nina and Me"
read "Loner, the Dog"
read "Looking for the Way"

AAP 016
The Patong Fire. Another Fictional Account
Teoman Gee

"A wonderful 'story' about an ELF style demolition of 59 holiday homes in Thailand, in 2002. European anti-tourist industry activists strike back!" (AK Press)

read here

AAP 017
A Letter From Essaouira. Stories

read "On the Rocking Chair, or For 51 Years"
read "Judy, or Just a Block with a Name"
read "Serene"
read "A Letter from Essaouira"

AAP 018
Nine Postcards. The Miguel Echevarria Story
Gabriel Kuhn

Miguel Echevarria, young Traveler from Idaho, disappears in Northern Kenya.

read here

AAP 019
"New Anarchism". Some Thoughts
Teoman Gee

Some reflections on the “New Anarchism" phenomenon, the disregard of anarchist history, “post-leftism", and the old “lifestyle vs. social anarchism" debate, mainly from a European perspective.

read here

AAP 020
East of the Bay. A Story from Oakland
H.C. Cat

This is our lost pamphlet. A fictional account from a squat of radical sex workers in Oakland. No files, no prints. Maybe we’ll be able to piece it back together one day.

AAP 021
The Raven, Revisited. Stories

read "Cornerstore"
read "The Raven, Revisited"

AAP 022
The Young Hassid and the Cloud. Stories

read "'The Time Traveler"
read "Kinda Like the Hulk"
read "Paolo, Mozzarella Balls, and Love"
read "'If I Die Before I Wake...'"
read "A Little Ghost Story"
read "The Young Hassid and the Cloud"

AAP 023
Revolution is Many. Collages
The Alpine Anarchist Production Arts Department

A collection of cut and paste artwork from different folks. Unfortunately, out of print, and not all the original material is available to do a proper re-print. We are working on it!

AAP 024
Six Stories of Love and Heartbreak

read "Crushed Soul"
read "Down by the River"
read "I Didn't Know Anything About Philadelphia (or: Kristy, Lance, and I)"

AAP 025
Busty Blonde, or The New Thomas Pynchon. Stories

read "Zeph"

AAP 026
My Grandmother and the Partisans. Stories

read "It was 4.27 am, or Jocky Was No More, and Zack Slept More Peacefully"
read "Jah Bless, or A Privileged Kid's Lament"
read "My Grandmother and the Partisans"
read "No Flashes, No Thoughts"

AAP 027
Parasitic Economy. A Concept
Teoman Gee

The title has caused confusion. It's about living cheap with a conscience. Judge for yourself.

read here

AAP 028
Closing in on 2000: Notes on Anarchism. AAP Classics Series
Tice Hayden

A forgotten piece from the mid-90s on the need to rejuvenate anarchist theory by incorporating recent neomarxist and poststructuralist critiques of the State. "Postanarchist" before there ever was such a thing. We reprinted the original hard copy and have no computer files. Hopefully, this will be online one day.

AAP 029
For... Stories

This was mostly a collection for ourselves. A lot of personal memories went into this. At least for now, we keep it within our circles.

AAP 030
Anarchist Football (Soccer) Manual
AAP Collective

Our bestseller. A history of soccer from a radical perspective, a guide for anarchist fans of the game, and a reflection on how to enjoy the game beyond competition and commercialism. Now turned into the book Soccer vs. the State.

see table of contents and introduction here